Technical Instructions for Use
Wavely Middle Ear Fluid Scanner

Characteristics & Specifications for Aural Acoustic-Immittance Instruments

The Probe System

Physical Dimensions: 0.3” Ear Tip opening

Maintenance Information: The Ear Tip is a single use device. There is no maintenance required. See the Instructions for Use, Wavely Middle Ear Scanner, LBL-1477 provided with the Wavely Ear Tip, FG-1480-03

The Probe Signals

Signal type: Sinusoidal chirp with an upwards linear frequency sweep followed by white noise

Frequency range: 1.8 – 4.4 kHz chirp followed by broadband white noise

Duration: 1000 ms

Level: 80 +/- 6 dB SPL as measured in a 2cc coupler [less than 90 dB]

Chirp sweep rate: 17.3 kHz/s

Sampling rate: 48 kHz

General Information

Battery Operation

The Wavely Middle Ear Fluid Scanner operates on a smartphone, which provides low battery warnings to the user. The IFU warns the user not to proceed with testing when the phone’s battery is low.


The Help Screen on the Wavely Middle Ear Fluid Scanner App indicates the manufacturer number, model number, and compliance as a Type 4 instrument according to ANSI S3.39.

Instruction Manual

The IFU for the Wavely Middle Ear Fluid Scanner (LBL-1477) includes instructions for the Open-Air Test, used for calibration.

Symbols, Forms, & Formats for Acoustic-Immittance Data

Identification of Probe Ear

The Wavely Middle Ear Fluid Scanner states on the app screen which ear is being tested.


Revised September 24, 2023