Goodbye Ear Infection Anxiety

Use your phone to check for an ear infection at home—no more guesswork or unnecessary trips to the doctor.

Trusted by physicians,
tested in clinical studies,
and loved by parents

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    “Families get an immediate sense of relief knowing that no matter what day or time they can get an answer to the question, ‘Does my child have an ear infection?'“

    Dr. Matt Fradkin MD, Pediatrician, Puffin Pediatrics

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    “We have had great success using WavelyDx with our infant and toddler. We’ve been able to get ahead of several ear infections by identifying a positive fluid result, being proactive with our at home treatments, and even avoiding antibiotics in several instances.”

    Jess and Jay S, Parents

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    “WavelyDx was such a help to me this week. Our whole family was down with a cold and the app helped me decide whether it was worth taking sick kids all the way into the doctor.”

    Heather, Parent

Start using WavelyDx Today!

Step 1: Order Ear Tips

You’ll need paper ear tips to use the WavelyDx app. Order a pack for $9.99.

Step 2: Get the App

Currently on iPhone (Android coming soon!),. Receive a 7-day trial after installing the app, and then purchase a subscription, which is as low as $5/month.

Three steps. At home. Super easy.

  • Get WavelyDx

    (1) Order ear tips. (2) Install the iPhone app and your first 7 days are on us!

  • Scan your child's ears

    Soft chirps bounce off the eardrum and quickly identify a potential ear infection.

  • Know what to do next

    If you need a virtual doctor, our partners at Summer Health are standing by for a consult.

You are not alone:


of kids will get an ear infection

but just 29%

of medical visits for an ear infection end up actually being one

Technology to make parents’ lives easier

WavelyDx is the smartphone app that uses sound waves to accurately detect middle ear fluid — the physical exam required for an ear infection — from the comfort of your home.


  • Up to 84.5% of scans are correct, which is more accurate than an otoscope

  • WavelyDx is FDA listed as a Class II Exempt device, meeting the highest standards  

Easy to Use

  • 97% of parents successfully complete their first scan (with 100% landing their second)

  • WavelyDx provides a likely/unlikely answer, with no need to interpret otoscope images


  • Know when to seek medical care, and when not to

  • Avoid unnecessary trips to the doctor, saving co-pays and time away from work

Enables Virtual Care

  • The WavelyDx result allows a provider to remotely assess a potential ear infection

  • Connect to pediatricians at Summer Health for a virtual consult today!