Manage an ear infection from home

Forget urgent care! With WavelyDx®, use your smartphone to send your doctor the information they need to diagnose an ear infection remotely.

Three steps. Easy peasy.

  • Download WavelyDx

    After installing the iPhone App (Android coming soon!), login with an Access Code from your doctor.

  • Scan your child's ears

    Our publication describes how the phone uses acoustic pings to quickly identify fluid.

  • Share the results

    With results you can immediately share with your doctor, your child gets the care they need fast.

The Numbers:


of kids have an ear infection


appts in the US each year


spent in the US each year

People love WavelyDx

“Families get an immediate sense of relief knowing that no matter what day or time they can get an answer to the question, ‘Does my child have an ear infection?'“

Matt Fradkin MD, Pediatrician and Owner, Puffin Pediatrics

“We have had great success using WavelyDx with our infant and toddler for the past four months. We’ve been able to get ahead of several ear infections by identifying a positive fluid result using the device, being proactive with our at home treatments and even avoiding antibiotics in several instances.”

Jess and Jay S, Parents

“WavelyDx was such a help to me this week. Our whole family was down with a cold and the app helped me decide whether it was worth taking sick kids all the way into the doctor. The app correctly diagnosed that both one kiddo (and mom!) indeed had an ear infection.”

Heather, Parent

If your doctor doesn’t currently use WavelyDx, we’d love to connect with them!

Already have WavelyDx from your doctor? Visit our install guidelines. Want to stay up-to-date with WavelyDx news? Sign up for our family newsletter.